When playing Stellar Blade on Eidos 7, players may come across a locked door early on in the game. Unlike other locked doors that have a passcode conveniently located nearby, this particular door is a bit trickier to unlock. The code for this door is actually hidden within the environment of the game, specifically on the clock tower nearby.

The code for the Clock Tower door in the commercial area of Eidos 7 is 1225, which can be found by looking up at the clock behind the door. The time on the clock reads 12:25, which is the code required to unlock the door. This code can also be found on a data bank entry in the area, but it may be easy to miss as it is tucked away in a corner.

Players should take care to ensure they have the correct angle when trying to view the clock, as the sun may obstruct the view of the time. Once the door is unlocked, players can continue forward and progress towards their next objective.

For more door code solutions, players should refer to our guides on all the Stellar Blade passcodes. These guides include codes for opening doors and locked supply boxes, as well as puzzle quests such as the Simple Puzzle quest guide and the Wisdom Puzzle quest guide.

Overall, Stellar Blade is a game that requires persistence and attention to detail. By uncovering hidden codes and passphrases, players can progress through the game and uncover even more secrets

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